Sandra Kafka


Sandra Kafka

Recovery is a word that many use to describe someone that has endured abuse of some form. Drugs & alcohol take the cake when people hear you are recovering. But my recovery is not due to abuse in any form, on my behalf anyhow.

Back in December my family and I had just returned state side from holiday spent with family in Canada. Our flight arrived a few hours before my life changed.

We were out and about that night to take a last look at Christmas lights all around town since it was our first Christmas spent in our new town/home. All I remember was saying “oh shit!” When I saw lights coming right at us. I told myself not to say a word because my daughter was in the backseat and I knew she would already be scared. The rest happened so quickly but in slow motion. Glass in my clothing & my hair, the left side of my body felt sharp pains all over. I couldn’t get up but knew I needed to show her I was strong.

I’ll spare you more details aside from the fact that in the accident my left shoulder & bicep were damaged and for the past 6 months have hurt everyday. It was causing me more pain every time I did hair at the salon or had to carry my kit for a wedding. Four months of physical therapy and it was not getting better, so I took the leap of faith and put my arm in the hands of a surgeon.

I sit here 3 weeks post surgery and honestly just put into the universe every single day that in 4 weeks I will be ready to be back at work. I love my clients! I love getting to hear their updates about what happened been happening for the past x amount of weeks and helping them feel a little better/brighter when they leave.

With all the change happening in my physical body I have also been on a mindset growth to heal past traumas and become my highest self. I decided that I was being called to go solo again. When growth happens it is not always easy or pretty. But I knew I needed to do it alone (in a sense), or rather with a very trusted group of individuals on the outside of work.

So when I come back in mid August from recovering from surgery I will be in a sola salon studio by myself to give my babes the best one on one service they deserve.

I hope you’ll stick around to see this journey of growth.


professional hair stylist and makeup artist since 2005