Sandra Kafka

The Great Move

Sandra Kafka

We Moved to Canada! Now you may be thinking to yourself- ‘wait what?’ and after 7 weeks living here I ask myself the same thing.

You know change is hard as hail, but so is growth. I’ve been in the time in my life where I have been trying to nourish everyone around me and I have not allowed my own growth to happen.

Back in the Spring of 2022 I had a life altering week away at the Goddess retreat hosted by Brit Carmichael in the mountains of Colorado. I had just had a major trauma and knew I needed to get some healing done. Fast forward to getting back into daily life and all that knowledge and growth has not been tended the weeds growing in my head are truly thick)

My family and I decided that getting out of the traumatic environment was best for us all. My husband and daughter are both Canadian and we were wanting a slower lifestyle. Well it is slower here for sure and my little hustle American self is having a harder time adjusting that I hoped I would (also no Target is slowly gnawing at my soul).

I have yet to figure out what all life up in the great north has for me. I am allowed to take my time deciding and that seems to be harder than “go work at a salon” like I have always done for the past 19 years. So please allow me this grace period to figure out what this new life of mine looks like.

xo SK

professional hair stylist and makeup artist since 2005